Why Get An Attorney?
Many people who are injured in an accident through the
fault of another person wonder if they should handle
their claim on their own, or get an attorney. There
certainly are some situations, such as very small cases,
where an attorney is not necessary. In larger cases,
things can get complicated, and an attorney should be
considered. Some people are quite good at self help,
such as remodeling their own basement, rebuilding their
own engine, or starting their own business. For those
who have neither the time nor the inclination to
research the intricacies of the legal system, nor the
willpower to risk making a major mistake, however, the
hiring of an attorney is usually a sound investment.
The responsible parties who must pay a claim are not always
easily identified. For example, in a recent case we handled involving a
fall down on a wet floor at the State Fair, which resulted in a
fractured leg requiring surgery, we had to subpoena records first from
the State Fair Park Board, then a national beer vendor which ran the
pavilion where the accident occurred, and finally from a lessee of the
pavilion before ascertaining that the lessee was responsible for the
negligent maintenance. The lessee's insurer eventually paid the claim.
Liability for damages arising out of most personal injury
accidents depends on fault. Proof of fault is often hotly contested, and
requires thorough investigation. Private detectives, paralegals and
subpoenas are weapons routinely used by attorneys. These often prove
invaluable in uncovering what would otherwise be unavailable
Insurance companies and tortfeasors don't always admit fault
even when it appears obvious. A rear end collision might be blamed on
unforeseen weather conditions, unexpected brake failure, or a surprise
medical emergency. Liability may be denied. In intersection accident
cases, insurance companies often assess 20% or more of the comparative
fault to the injured person "just for being there." Damages may be
reduced proportionately. In trip and fall cases, the injured person
can't recover simply by proving that the accident occurred on someone
else's property. Instead, he or she must show that the person
responsible for the premises was negligent in the design, construction
or maintenance of the place. Proof that the place was unsafe and that
the person responsible had actual or constructive notice is required.
Many times such proof either is unobtainable, or must be encountered
through painstaking investigation or litigation.
Finally, the sources and amounts of insurance proceeds
available to pay a claim are often a key focus of litigation. If the
auto tortfeasor is uninsured, an attorney is often necessary to track
down all sources of uninsured motorist benefits covering the victim, the
owner of the car in which the victim was riding, and the resident
relatives of the same household. Sometimes such uninsured motorist
policies can be stacked, but such coverage layering is seldom
voluntarily revealed or offered by the insurer.
Injured persons' medical expenses are sometimes covered by a
group health insurance policy or by automobile medical payments
coverage. The insurer which pays the bills often holds its hands out
seeking reimbursement when the injured person makes a liability
settlement with the tortfeasor. Whether and to what extent the payor may
subrogate against the settlement proceeds depends not only on the
wording of the contract under which the payments were made, but also on
the ever changing Wisconsin appellate court interpretations of the "made
whole" doctrine and the Federal Employee Retirement Income and Security
If the auto tortfeasor is underinsured, an attorney should
inquire about excess and umbrella liability coverage on the tortfeasor,
as well as all sources of underinsured motorist benefits available to
the victim above and beyond the tortfeasor's limits. The timing of
settlements and notice provisions of insurance policies can be traps for
the unwary who handle their own case.
In short, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by
seeking a free legal consultation concerning an injury claim. If the
injury is serious enough so that more than a couple of doctor visits are
required, a visit with an attorney is essential.