Independent Medical Examinations
any person puts his or her mental or physical condition
at issue in any case in which compensation is sought,
the insurance company or other responsible party
defending the case has a right to have a physician of
its own choice examine the claimant. The logic of this
general rule cannot be questioned. The manner in which
so-called "independent medical examinations" are carried
out is often fraught with controversy. If the claimant
is not properly prepared for what lies ahead, the claim
can be lost or seriously damaged.
The procedural rules governing independent medical
examinations vary among federal and state jurisdictions
for tort cases, as well as for cases involving statutory
claims such as workers compensation. Several general
requirements are universal.
The defending party must give reasonable notice of the time,
place, manner, conditions and scope of the examination,
and the identity of the examiner. Usually, only one
independent medical examination is allowed, unless there
is good cause shown for more. The claimant is not
allowed to object to the identity of the examiner
without a compelling reason.
In most jurisdictions, the patient is reimbursed for mileage
to and from the examination. The patient may in most
jurisdictions bring to the examination, at his or her
own expense, the treating physician, but this is seldom
done. The defending party must pay for the examination
by its doctor. The defending party must provide a copy
of the report to the patient or the patient's attorney
within a reasonable time after the report is available.
In exchange, the patient must provide true copies of any
and all reports of each person who has examined or
treated the claimant with respect to the injuries for
which damages are claimed, and a medical authorization
to the defending party to allow it to obtain any and all
records, radiological films, or other evidence of the
patient's condition. Any physician-patient privilege
with respect to the condition at issue in the case is
deemed to have been waived by the making of the claim
for compensation. The independent medical examiner is
subject to being examined under oath by the claimant's
attorney at a deposition or by cross-examination at the
trial or hearing. If a claimant unreasonably refuses to
submit to an independent medical examination, the claim
can be suspended or dismissed by the judicial tribunal
without further ado.
The above paragraph outlines the easy part. The hard
part is how to prepare for the examination.
Most physicians who perform independent medical
examinations would really prefer not to get involved in the legal
system, but reluctantly perform this service on an occasional basis as
part of their community service. Their reports are usually
straightforward. They call it as they see it. It is not uncommon in this
situation for a legitimate dispute to exist over the cause of the
condition at issue, or the nature and extent of disability. Reasonable
minds can and do differ over these issues. The trier of fact must
resolve the dispute unless the parties negotiate a settlement.
Some physicians who perform independent medical
examinations, however, perform hundreds of these each year for the
insurance industry, and make this service a large part of their
practice. Their bias for the defense is notorious. It is not unusual for
some of these physicians to charge between $500 - $1,000 for such
examinations and record reviews. If they give testimony, the bill
doubles or triples. How much can they earn in a week, month or year
doing such examinations? You do the math. It pays better than clinical
medicine in some cases!
physicians often present an obstacle to a just resolution of the
controversy, because they predictably and regularly come to conclusions,
write reports, and provide testimony quite slanted in favor of the
defense and against the claimant. This type of independent medical
examiner is not "independent" in any sense of the word. Instead, the
examiner is "adverse". Because the examiner so frequently performs the
task, the examiner becomes adept as an investigator. The examiner
assumes the role of insurance adjuster or claims attorney, playing the
role of the devil's advocate.
Examiners who fall into this category are well known to attorneys who
are active in injury litigation. Their names are seen so frequently that
"books" are kept on their usual propensities, typical reports, standard
charges, annual earnings from forensic work, and weaknesses on
modus operandi of some of these examiners to defeat the claim is obvious
- attack the credibility of the claimant, making the claimant out to be
dishonest. The presupposition is that every claim is a fraud and must be
exposed. The task becomes one of discrediting the claimant, rather than
ascertaining the cause of the condition or the nature and extent of
Everything from the claimant's past medical history, history of present
illness, cause of condition, subjective complaints, objective findings
on physical examination, laboratory testing, diagnosis, treatment
history and prognosis is called into question and can be discredited if
the claimant is not 100% accurate in reciting the facts during the
independent medical examination, or there are any inconsistencies in any
of the old, usually voluminous medical records. These doctors have a
penchant for writing reports that deny that there is any pathological
condition whatsoever. If there is a true malady, they blame it on a
pre-existing condition or a cause other than the trauma that is the
subject of the litigation. If that doesn't work, then they minimize the
extent of the injury.
There is only one way to go into an independent medical
examination, no matter who is performing it. Thorough preparation and
education of the claimant is required. Counsel and the client should
meet, if possible, well in advance, and go over all prior relevant
medical records. No prior doctor visit for the same condition should be
overlooked, because the claimant will certainly be asked about it during
the independent medical examination. An innocent lapse of memory by the
claimant when questioned by the independent medical examiner about a
prior knee injury, back or neck problem, visits to a chiropractor,
absence from work, fender bender with an emergency room visit, or x-ray
of the same bone or joint can prove to be all the examiner needs to
conclude that the claimant is trying to hide something, and that the
claim is illegitimate.
The claimant should be prepared by counsel to address the following
subjects with the independent medical examiner in detail:
Prior health and medical history, including any and all traumatic
injuries from vehicle accidents, work accidents, falls, and sports
accidents, and all visits to all health care providers for the same or
any related condition;
Prior social and recreational activities;
Events on day of accident, in great detail;
Claimant's role and responsibility for the accident, to show
contributory negligence;
Detailed itemization of all injuries sustained;
Chronological medical history subsequent to the day of accident, with
treatment by each health care provider;
Timetable for acute and chronic stages of each injury, how pain was
rated on each prior doctor visit, what hurts now, and how
pain is rated now;
Prior and subsequent accidents with injuries, if any, of any type;
Claimant's opinion of the nature and extent of disability and impairment
of each area of the body that was involved;
How activities of daily living and recreational activities are affected;
Temporary restrictions imposed by doctors;
Functional capacity evaluations - permanent restrictions imposed by
Physical exertion category of work claimant is capable of doing with
Transferability of skills from work done prior to injury;
Time lost from work, with specific dates;
Work history after accident;
How injuries have affected ability to do basic work activities;
Future treatment expected.
thorough preparation before the independent medical examination, the
claimant can avoid the traps and pitfalls of an inaccurate or
inconsistent history, upon which skilled examiners are often so ready,
willing and able to pounce.
There are certain tests, known as “Waddell’s Non-organic Signs,” that
most independent medical examiners employ for the purpose of identifying
psychological factors in patients who claim low back problems resulting
from trauma. It is helpful to know what the signs are, in order to
avoid so-called “false positive” results upon which too many independent
medical examiners base their adverse opinions. The doctor will
perform a hands-on examination, and test for each of the following,
looking to see whether the patient reacts in a fashion indicating some
pathology, under circumstances where the test results should be
(a) if
the skin is exquisitely sensitive and tender superficially, to a light
touch or pinch over a wide area beyond the normal distribution of the
sensory nerves, the doctor will suspect exaggeration;
(b) if the
anatomical structure is exquisitely sensitive and tender to a deep
palpation, over a wide area beyond the anatomic region of the injury,
rather than only in the localized area of injury, the doctor will
suspect exaggeration.
Simulation Tests
(a) if
the doctor presses straight down on the patient’s head, while the
patient is standing (axial loading), and the patient reports low back
pain, the doctor will suspect exaggeration;
(b) if the
doctor rotates a standing patient’s shoulders and pelvis simultaneously,
in the same plane, and the patient complains of low back pain, the
doctor will suspect exaggeration.
Distraction Tests
(a) if
the doctor finds something wrong, and then while distracting the
patient, does another test of the same area without explaining what he
is doing or why, and the patient has a negative test or doesn’t give a
full effort, the doctor will suspect exaggeration. A common
example is to ask the patient to raise one leg against resistance while
lying supine. If the opposite leg does not press down, for leverage,
then the doctor knows that the patient is not giving a full effort to
raise the leg, ostensibly to exaggerate;
Regional Disturbances
(a) If
the patient complains of undue weakness, such as the giving way of
muscle groups, the doctor may suspect exaggeration;
(b) If the
patient claims numbness, tingling or pain over an area outside of the
dermatomal distribution where the nerves from the spine lead down the
leg into the toes, the doctor may suspect exaggeration.
(a) If
the patient excessively cringes, grimaces, or otherwise displays
unnatural responses to sensory, motor or reflex tests, the doctor will
suspect exaggeration.